
If you are looking for autonomous business control and yet a friendly, funny and safe work place, we are your shop. The following are some of the things you will be required to do when working at Coven Tattoo:

  • Order and keep stocked the supplies you need to tattoo with (sans those provided for the shop and listed in: Shop Benefits below)

  • Respond to and schedule your own clients via the forms offered on our site, Instagram DM’s, email, Facebook Messenger, or whichever other mediums you prefer.

  • Make sure each of your clients fills out a Client Release Form on every visit (Digital Forms are provided by the shop, on a shop tablet).

  • Give appropriate Aftercare to clients (also provided digitally on the shop tablet, though we can provide a PDF for you to send directly or attach to any scheduling software you use.)

  • Pay your monthly booth rent on time, without reminders.

  • Keep your own space cleaned and your own trash emptied. Please don’t spread out unnecessarily into open space.

  • Having a positive attitude and leaving negativity at home. It can not only affect your client, but other artists in the shop and their clients.

  • Have active and up to date Bloodborne Pathogens Certification acceptable to Jefferson County.

  • A waiver or proof of Hepatitis B Vaccination. *Waiver can be provided for you to sign.

  • Maintain your own LLC for tax purposes. You will be a contractor, not an employee.

  • Keep your equipment in working order, including your own client chair/table, artist chair and roll-around/work space for tattoo tools/machines.

  • Most Importantly: We are a fun studio, but have a zero tolerance for excessive alcohol abuse, or use of any narcotic legal or otherwise, that is used in excess that may affect your behavior/attitude in the studio.

Shop Benefits

Coven provides artists security and self-sufficiency by offering cohesive support of not only supplies, but a positive, safe environment regardless of race, gender, orientation or other unique aspects of your personality.

  • Schedule Freedom - You may work as many days as you like, with hours that you choose. The studio is not mandatorily closed any day.

  • Digital Client Release Forms - Always available to you without the worry of client poaching.

  • Digital Aftercare Forms - Always available on the shop tablet for easy distribution to clients.

  • Business Insurance - You can get your own, but the shop and you are covered.

  • Website Presence - Not only your own page for your own images and contact details, but a digital form for clients to fill out and submit directly to you!

  • Basic supplies: Cavacide, Rubbing Alcohol, White Hazel, Tongue Depressors, Razors, Table Drop Cloths, Pillowcase Covers, Green Soap, comfortable pillows for clients, a set of shelves for your supplies and equipment, fully stocked and maintained bathrooms and handwashing stations, hand sanitizer and easy access to a sinks and mops/brooms for clean-up as well as a pleasant client waiting area.

  • We do not provide gloves, inks, cartridges, self-adhesive wrap, barrier film, clipcord covers, machine covers, bag covers, saran wrap, dental bibs, tape, ointment for tattooing, or paper towels.


If you are interested in applying, you must fill out the application linked below and consider the following aspects when filling it out.

Your application will be sent to Sinjun Stone, the Shop Manager, who will also set up the interview with you.

  • At least two work references are preferred. This can be fellow artists, a mentor or even a previous shop you’ve worked at. *Please note, we will not acknowledge any negative references that slander you in any way.

  • Coven Tattoo does not have a requirement on experience (ie How long you have been tattooing). We do expect a portfolio and body of work that shows your artistic skill, quality and consistency. *This can be simply an Instagram page, or business facebook where your work is organized and accessable, or even a personal website.
    A physical hardcopy of your portfolio/body of work is also acceptable, but not required.

  • We will not discuss booth rent or percentages until after an application has been submitted. It will be gone over in depth during the interview stage.

  • A response email will always be sent - you will not be left waiting to see if you were accepted or declined.

  • An application may take up to a week to be responded to; we appreciate your patience.